Also I've herd that Spears & Munsil High Definition Benchmark is a good choice. Just a thought. Since XBMC won't handle a bluray ISO (as far as menus), is there any reason a DVD ISO wouldn't work for calibration. Introduction to the Spears and Munsil HD Benchmark Setup and Test Disc – Version 2. Readers of Secrets of Home Theater and High Fidelity are likely familiar with the names Stacey Spears and Don Munsil. Spears and Munsil HD Benchmark Setup and Test Disc – Version 2. Chris Heinonen May 8, 2013. Technical Reviews. Introduction to the Spears and Munsil HD Benchmark Setup and Test Disc – Version 2. Or of optimizing a display, what does the Spears and Munsil disc offer you? The first two sections of the disc, Video Calibration and Audio.
Spears And Munsil Hd Benchmark
Spears And Munsil Calibration Disc Download Torrent Software
First, assemble everything you need like pen and paper. You WILL require these. RTFM (read the manual) as this will keep novices calm ‘cause it does require patience. You have to sit in your favourite viewing position (and occasionally get up closer to the screen) with the remote control of the Blu-ray in your left hand (I’m right-handed) and the remote for the TV in your right. The TV remote is the one you’ll use to work the slider controls while the Blu-ray remote takes you through the instructions and patterns.
It is worth persevering even if you initially find it daunting.
The video appearance settings are fairly straightforward to adjust against the patterns: colour/colour tint; brightness; contrast; sharpness; tones; darkness etc. There’s then a big leap if you wish to calibrate the individual colours (I didn’t need to do this on my Samsung JU7000 TV, thankfully) and you are warned that this bit really is a job for a professional.
So far, the picture is amazing, like looking through a window. There are useful clips so you can admire your work. I particularly liked the Big Buck Bunny animated cartoon where every hair, every blade of grass and detail in the shadows can be seen clearly.
Think of the disc as an expert holding your hand while you fine-tune to perfection.